Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland causing magic to disappear completely. A thousand years have passed and steam engines, iron, and gunpowder have been rediscovered. Technology starts to reign over the world. It is during this time that a few have not forgotten about the item that caused the world to be once destroyed. There are actually a few that have survived with the power called magic.
Terra Branford is one such character. She is born into the world when magic becomes a threat. Unknown to her, she is the key that brings both distruction and safty to the world. Terra uses the gift called magic. Her father was an esper, and her mother was human. Her world was turn upside down during her young life when the Empire invaded her world taking her father prisoner and killing her mother. She is put into slavery and forced to listen to every beckon call. However, her life is not all misery. She is rescued during an unexpected expedition summon by the Empire. Meeting an Esper causes her to break free from the Empire's hold and become friends with the enemy of the Empire.
Her life is a complete mystery. She is mostly quiet and keeps her inner turmoil over who she really is. She doesn't like to talk about her past for she really doesn't know much about her past. She is an innocent young woman who has only one goal in life: to discover love.
♦ Terra Branford → Who is Terra exactly?
♦ Magic → What abilities did Terra know?
♦ Family → Who were her parents?
♦ Empire → What relationship did she have with the Empire?
♦ Returners → How as she connected with the Returners?
♦ Love → Did she have any love interests?
♦ Children → How did the love of the children help her discover who she was?